Aerosol spray cans can hold a wide array of chemicals and the propellants used to expel them, but the convenience of these cans can also make them difficult to dispose of. Their pressurized nature, the chemicals in the product, and the propellant used can all be hazardous, and special precautions need to be taken for disposal, including knowing what can be disposed of at home and what needs a specialized disposal facility. Learn more about the hazards of aerosol spray cans and what you can do about them.
- Aerosol cans containing propellant are explosive if crushed or incinerated or pose environmental threats. Make sure to read the can’s label to learn more about the propellant before use or disposal.
- Aerosol propellant can be flammable. Use away from heat or sparks.
- Breathing the propellant may be hazardous to human health.
- Some aerosol cans contain hazardous chemicals, e.g., pesticides, oven cleaners, etc.
- New cans with defective nozzles should be returned to the point of purchase.
- Use up the contents or donate to someone who can use it. (The product and propellant are finely measured so that both are exhausted at the same time during usage.)
- Look for a warning label on the product. Art materials are non-toxic if the label reads AP (approved product), CP (certified product), or HL (health label).
- Do not put full or partially full cans in the trash; unemptied aerosol cans and other pressurized containers, such as fire extinguishers and propane canisters, can explode during compaction in garbage and recycling trucks.
Management Options
Empty aerosol containers:
- The aerosol can is empty when you no longer hear any air released when the nozzle is depressed and the can feels empty when shaken.
- If empty aerosol containers are acceptable in your local recycling program, remove the plastic lid and place with recyclables. If not, place in the trash.
Partially full containers that you know do not contain hazardous chemicals:
- To empty the can of its non-hazardous contents, discharge it outdoors into a deep cardboard box or paper bag and allow the box or bag to dry before placing it in the trash. The empty aerosol container can then be recycled or disposed of.
All other aerosol containers:
- Take to a permitted household hazardous products collection center; save for a household hazardous waste collection event, or take to a commercial hazardous waste facility.
This information was brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and NEDT. For more information, including links to their guides, visit our Fact Sheets & Links page, and make sure to check out our NEDT Blog and Household Hazardous Products Resources for more in-depth information.