Fact Sheets Center & Links
Welcome to the NEDT Household Products Fact Sheets, your one-stop for hazardous waste information for Massachusetts and beyond. Below, divided into categories of household hazardous products accepted and not accepted at our collections centers, is information on common household products, including their hazards, handling, storage, and disposal options.
This information was brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and NEDT. For more information and resources, including links to their guides, please see the Helpful Links section below the fact sheets.
Buy only what you need; Use up what you have; and Recycle any leftovers.
Materials ACCEPTED at the Collection Center

Arts & Crafts Supplies

Automotive Fluids

Batteries, Automotive

Batteries, Household

Cleaning Chemicals

Electronics & Computers

Fire Extinguishers

Fluorescent Lighting


Mercury Devices & Liquid Mercury

Motor Oil & Oil Filters

Muriatic / Hydrochloric Acid

Paint, Latex

Paints & Stains, Oil-Based

Pesticides & Fertilizers

Photography Chemicals

Pool Chemicals

Propane & Butane Tanks

Sealants & Adhesives

Solvents & Paint Thinner