We’ve all got a few cans of paint at home – but many homeowners, especially the DIY types, might have a few containers of paint thinner or other paint-related solvents. And just like with paint, they may have outlived their welcome in your garage, basement, or attic. Today, learn what your options for old paint thinner & solvent are, including safe handling, reuse, and disposal at home and at hazardous waste facilities. For specific solvents used in cleaning, refer to the cleaning chemicals fact sheet below:
- Thinners and solvents contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be toxic to inhale.
- Thinners and solvents can be absorbed through the skin.
- Thinners and solvents are flammable.
- Some solvents are carcinogenic.
- Keep thinners and solvents in closed and labeled glass or metal containers. Some plastic containers may deteriorate when in contact with solvents.
- Store thinners and solvents away from sources of sparks or heat to avoid household fires.
- Do not put leftover products in the trash or down the drain.
Management Options
- If the product is unused, try to give it away to someone who can use it.
- If the product cannot be given away for reuse, and the municipal paint collection program accepts it, take it there.
- Solvents mixed with paint may be reused. First, let solids settle out and pour off liquids for future use as a solvent. Label the container clearly.
- The solids may be disposed of wet at a hazardous household waste collection.
- Alternatively, the solids may be dried out by adding absorbents, such as kitty litter or vermiculite, in a well-ventilated area, away from ignition sources, such as appliances with a motor or pilot light, and out of reach of children and pets. Dried solids can be disposed of in the trash.
- Small amounts of used or new paint thinner can be added into oil-based paint. Add to the same color paint as that used with the thinner.
- If the thinner or solvent cannot be reused through the above options, take it to a Household Hazardous Products Collection Center.
This information was brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and NEDT. For more information, including links to their guides, visit our Fact Sheets & Links page, and make sure to check out our NEDT Blog and Household Hazardous Products Resources for more in-depth information.