Treated & Lead Paint Wood is Not Accepted at NEDT Collection Centers
The following information is provided to help you find alternatives for disposal. Treated and lead paint wood and other construction materials that contain them are not accepted at NEDT collection centers. Exercise caution when it comes to handling, storing, and disposing of these products.
At NEDT, we accept many kinds of household hazardous products, but not hazardous construction materials. When it comes to hazardous waste such as treated or lead-painted wood, the risk they pose during removal, transit, and delivery puts both the homeowner and staff at risk. Today we’re going to talk about what to do when you discover hazardous construction materials like treated and lead paint wood and when you should leave removal and transportation to the experts. Learn more about your options below and learn more about products we don’t accept here.
Treated wood:
- Treated wood may contain Chromated Copper Arsenicals (CCA), Creosote, or Pentachlorophenol.
- CCA, a wood preservative, is not considered hazardous to people with limited contact, but handling precautions are still recommended.
- Creosote is typically used on telephone poles, railroad ties, and marine lumber applications. This tar-like material contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, some of which are known to cause cancer.
- Pentachlorophenol can be absorbed through the skin. Although health effects to people from limited exposure are unknown, certain animals have developed illnesses and/or died after being exposed.
Wood with lead paint:
- Ingested lead paint chips have been proven to cause brain damage in children.
Treated wood:
- Aged creosote or CCA-treated wood can be reused in landscaping, although it is preferable not to use it where food crops will be grown.
- Do not burn in a fireplace because toxic compounds may be emitted.
- Wear gloves when handling wood, and wear goggles and a dust mask when sawing and sanding.
Wood with lead paint:
- Handle items (moldings, doors, and windows) in a way that minimizes paint chipping.
- Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Management Options
Treated wood:
- Householders may dispose of treated wood in the trash, although local size restrictions may require pieces to be cut.
- Larger loads of treated wood must be delivered to a transfer or processing facility. If you have a vehicle that can deliver a load of wood yourself, determine the location nearest you and call ahead to make sure treated wood is accepted there. Otherwise, a search engine such as Google or Bing can be used to find disposal contractors who can pick up the load and take it to the appropriate disposal facility.
- For more information, see Q&A: Pressure Treated Wood.
Wood with lead paint:
- Householders may dispose of painted wood in the trash, although local size restrictions may require pieces to be cut.
- To learn more, contact the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
This information was brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and NEDT. For more information, including links to their guides, visit our Fact Sheets & Links page, and make sure to check out our NEDT Blog and Household Hazardous Products Resources for more in-depth information.