Hobbyists of all ages still enjoy taking pictures with film cameras and developing photography at home. But like with many hobbies, you can build up a large stock of hobby products that can be hard to dispose of once they are used, expired, or if you’re putting your hobby down. Photography chemicals, in particular, contain certain types of hazardous materials that need to be handled with care. Let’s go over the specifics below.
- Silver may be found in significant concentrations in fixer solution in the form of silver halides. Silver is a toxic contaminant that can disturb the biological action of a sewage treatment plant and harm aquatic life, such as fish and other organisms.
- Some fixer solutions are corrosive and can burn skin and eyes.
- Some individuals are allergic to sulfites in photo-processing solutions.
- Protect eyes from splashes and skin from direct contact.
- Store solutions in plastic buckets or bottles. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use.
- Clearly label containers with the contents.
- Store materials in a secure area that is locked and out of reach of children.
- Keep dark rooms ventilated when using photographic chemicals.
Management Options
- Photographic waste liquids should not be poured down the drain if connected to a septic system.
- In sewered areas, developer and rinse solutions may be poured down the drain if approved by the local POTW.
- Some local photo processing businesses may accept silver-bearing fixer waste for recycling and Management.
- Take spent fixer solutions to a Household Hazardous Products Collection Center or a hazardous household waste collection event.
This information was brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and NEDT. For more information, including links to their guides, visit our Fact Sheets & Links page, and make sure to check out our NEDT Blog and Household Hazardous Products Resources for more in-depth information.