Any business owner will tell you the sheer amount of waste their business generates, and that’s true for small businesses as well. When navigating the rules and regulations surrounding commercial waste, small businesses’ hazardous waste is no exception. As a business—even the smallest are held to different standards when it comes to storing, transporting, and disposing of these hazardous materials. Learn what common types of hazardous waste you may be generating. [Read more…]
Our NEDT Truck Fleet for Residential Hazardous Waste Services
Whether it’s the slow buildup of household hazardous products and waste or an emergency, you might suddenly need expertise and equipment at your home’s door to tackle that problem. Our NEDT truck fleet is ready and willing to help provide residential hazardous waste services across Massachusetts. In this blog, we’ll go over various types of specialized vehicles and the hazardous waste disposal and remediation they provide to homes, streets, and even commercial buildings. [Read more…]
Unsafe Hazardous Waste: When You Need to Call in Specialists
At NEDT, we’re proud to accept most kinds of residential hazardous waste at our collection centers. But that doesn’t mean we accept them all. Certain types of unsafe hazardous waste shouldn’t be transported to us and we can’t accept them. For some of these, we can point you to other facilities and programs that can help; for others, you’re going to need to call in specialists that can deal with these hazardous products in place—for your own safety. [Read more…]
Residential Hazardous Waste Vs. Commercial Hazardous Waste
When it comes to hazardous waste, a homeowner and a business owner have very different needs, types of hazardous products, and very different rules and regulations they need to follow. These distinctions are important to know whether you’re disposing of residential hazardous waste, commercial hazardous waste, or find yourself in an edge case like an at-home business. It’s time to learn the difference and get the resources you need to dispose of your hazardous waste. [Read more…]
Dealing with Hazardous Waste for Estate Agents and Landlords
We all accumulate household hazardous waste, but what do we do when it isn’t ours? When tenants move out of an apartment and leave stuff behind or homeowners don’t clean out their storage when they sell, landlords and real estate agents may be left holding the bag. If you find yourself in that position, remember you’ve got options! Disposing of household hazardous products even though you’re a business is possible without jumping through a ton of hoops. [Read more…]