While the dangers of some household hazardous waste are easy to recognize – caustic chemicals, clogging adhesives, and pressurized gases – others are less apparent. When it comes to eWaste, which are electronics & computers that are in need of disposal, it’s hard to tell at first glance why they shouldn’t go in the trash. This fact sheet is all about breaking down the hazards of consumer electronics, why they can’t be thrown away in the garbage can, and how to properly dispose of them. For TVs and monitors, especially CRT or tube TVs, see the dedicated page below:
- Electronic equipment, appliances, and computers may contain lead from solder, mercury in switches, cadmium, and other heavy metals in the printed circuit boards. For more information, see our blog, Heavy Metal Hazards in Household Waste.
- Portable products, including cell phones, can contain lithium batteries, which react violently to being crushed or getting wet, making them hazardous for trash disposal.
- See our blog, eWaste: Why Electronics Shouldn’t Be Thrown in the Trash, for more information on common types of eWaste and the hazardous products they contain.
- When not being used, electronics should be unplugged and stored away from moisture to avoid electrical fires or damage.
Management Options
- Check your local Department of Public Works for instructions on municipal recycling collection programs.
- Working computers and other electronics can be donated to a charity or non-profit group that can use them. You can find a list of MA non-profit organizations in our blog, What Are My Options for Disposing of Household Products?
- All other electronic devices, including computer processing units (CPUs), keyboards, small home appliances, stereos, video players, and telephones, may be accepted as scrap metal or thrown in the trash if no electronics collection program is in place.
- Dispose of at a Household Hazardous Products Collection Center.
This information was brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and NEDT. For more information, including links to their guides, visit our Fact Sheets & Links page, and make sure to check out our NEDT Blog and Household Hazardous Products Resources for more in-depth information.