When you think of household hazardous waste, it’s unsurprising if mercury comes to mind. While this liquid metal might be easily identifiable when in a (hopefully sealed) bottle, it’s less easy to spot when incorporated into devices. Regardless of its form, if the container is breached and you have a mercury leak, it’s a major hazard. Learn the risks, dealing with spills, and how to dispose liquid (elemental) mercury and mercury-containing devices. For more information on mercury in electronics and lighting see our fact sheet on them:
- Thermostats and switches contain several grams of mercury in fragile glass bulbs or ampoules. These ampoules (as well as mercury containing thermometers) may break, releasing droplets of toxic mercury.
- Mercury is toxic to the human nervous system, as well as fish and animals. Mercury can enter the body either through skin absorption or through inhalation of mercury vapors. At room temperature, small beads of mercury will vaporize.
- To learn more about the health and environmental risks of mercury, check out our blog, Dealing with Mercury at Home in All Its Forms, and the Mass.gov page, MassDEP Mercury Information.
Handling Small Spills (under 1 pound or 2 tablespoons)
- See the MassDEP guidance sheet: Cleaning Up Spills of Elemental (Liquid) Mercury
- Seal off room from other indoor spaces, ventilate to the outside.
- Take off jewelry and put on rubber gloves. Pick up mercury with an eyedropper or scoop up with stiff paper or card stock, being careful to not touch with skin or clothing. Place mercury in a sealed glass or plastic container and label MERCURY.
- Do not vacuum because it breaks up and heats droplets, facilitating vaporization. Once a vacuum cleaner has been used for a mercury spill it will continue to release mercury into the air and it is therefore safest to discard the contaminated machine rather than continue to use it.
- Use duct or packing tape to clean up remaining small particles. Place contaminated tape into a sealed plastic or glass container and label MERCURY
- Do not wash mercury into drains.
- Do not wash mercury contaminated clothing or items in washing machine.
Handling Large Spills (over 1 pound or 2 tablespoons)
- Immediately evacuate everyone from the room and close the doors. Turn off central heating or cooling system.
- Call MassDEP emergency response staff at 888-304-1133 (24 hours) to report the spill.
- Notify local health department and ask if they have a mercury spill kit. MassDEP staff will advise you on further actions.
- Call New England Disposal Technologies, Inc., a licensed Emergency Spill Response Contractor at 800-698-1865.
Management Options
- Some hospitals will take small amounts of mercury from residents as a community service. Call your local hospital environmental services department to see if they will accept it.
- Massachusetts has mercury drop-off locations that may accept liquid mercury and mercury-containing devices. Find the interactive map here: Where to Safely Dispose of Fluorescent Light Bulbs & Other Mercury Products.
- Take containerized metallic mercury, mercury containing devices and mercury contaminated clothing to a Household Hazardous Products Collection Center.
This information was brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and NEDT. For more information, including links to their guides, visit our Fact Sheets & Links page, and make sure to check out our NEDT Blog and Household Hazardous Products Resources for more in-depth information.