At NEDT, we take pride in providing information so you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to buying, storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous products and materials. From knowing the health risks to your disposal options, we offer our Household Products Fact Sheets. Both available as website pages and PDFs, these documents contain information from NEDT and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) as well as helpful links to additional information and resources. Below is more information on using fact sheets, including more advanced features. [Read more…]
The New Blog and Household Hazardous Products Resources
Welcome to the new blog! We’re excited to provide more resources and education for people wanting to learn about how they can manage and dispose of hazardous household waste in easy but environmentally conscious ways. In this first post, we’ll be looking at how this blog can be used as a resource, as well as all the current helpful resources you can find on our site. Let’s dive in! [Read more…]