At NEDT, we take pride in providing information so you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to buying, storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous products. These come in the form of our Fact Sheets: handy PDFs that provide all the information you’ll need. Below, we’ll better explain how to use this hazardous waste education, provide additional links you’ll find helpful, and review everything else needed to make your home a safer place when it comes to hazardous waste. [Read more…]
Dealing with Deteriorating Hazardous Containers at Home
Every household has a few products that are considered hazardous waste—that can’t be thrown in the trash or down the drain due to the threat they pose to people and the environment. And so, many of these products sit on shelves and in cupboards, gathering dust. Over time, the products can cause deteriorating hazardous containers, potentially causing anything from an annoying spill to a real danger to your household. Learn more about why this happens, warning signs, and how to deal with these household hazardous products. [Read more…]