We all accumulate household hazardous waste, but what do we do when it isn’t ours? When tenants move out of an apartment and leave stuff behind or homeowners don’t clean out their storage when they sell, landlords and real estate agents may be left holding the bag. If you find yourself in that position, remember you’ve got options! Disposing of household hazardous products even though you’re a business is possible without jumping through a ton of hoops. [Read more…]
What Happens When a Junk Removal Company Takes Hazardous Waste?
From getting rid of a bulk appliance to larger projects like renovations, moving, and estate sales, we all generate junk that we can’t (or don’t want to) dispose of ourselves. Junk removal companies fulfill this vital service, helping get household waste to the proper facilities. But what happens when the junk they remove is hazardous? Today, we look at what happens when a junk removal company takes hazardous waste and how businesses like NEDT help. [Read more…]
What to Expect: NEDT Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers
At NEDT, we’ve been helping households get rid of their residential hazardous waste for years. If you’ve ever been curious or even hesitant about what a typical trip to one of our Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers is like, this blog and its video are for you! Watch and read on to learn about what to expect, how quick and easy the process is, and what you can do to prepare beforehand. [Read more…]
What Do I Do with Hazardous Waste Generated from a Home Business?
From entrepreneurs with a side hustle to enthusiastic hobbyists, a surprisingly high number of home businesses generate not just waste but hazardous waste. With regulations passed by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced on a state level with various laws, as a business, you need to treat your home business’s hazardous waste differently than as a resident. Learn what to do with hazardous waste generated from a home business, including specific laws for Massachusetts. [Read more…]
Small Business Hazardous Waste: MA’s VSQG Requirements
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) requires all businesses that generate hazardous waste to properly manage, store, and dispose of them. The issue comes with scale: while large businesses can have the budget to use the required hazardous transportation and disposal companies, small companies that only produce a handful via cleaning solvents, oils, inks, paints, acids, or alkalines can’t afford those same costs. This is where MA’s Very Small Quality Generators (VSQG) program comes in, which allows for a significant reduction in cost for small MA VSQG generators when using NEDT’s Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers for the disposal of hazardous wastes.
Know the VSQG Requirements and Get Registered in MA
Does your MA business qualify as a VSQG? Here are the basic requirements:
- Hazardous Waste Per Month: Generates less than 220 pounds (about 27 gallons) of hazardous waste or waste oil per month and no acutely hazardous waste.
- Total Hazardous Waste Cap: May accumulate up to 2,200 pounds (about 270 gallons) for an indefinite period of time.
Getting Registered for MA’s VSQG Program
You’ll need to visit the MassDEP Hazardous Waste Generation & Generators page and obtain an EPA ID via the online myRCRAid portal (RCRA is the EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) to start the VSQG process. You can find more information, including wait times, on the above page.
Know the Self-Transport Limits and Stay Safe!
Once you’ve got your VSQG registration, you can start to self-transport your hazardous waste to a certified disposal or recycling facility. Make sure to follow these requirements:
- Keep a copy of your VSQG registration in the vehicle.
- Transport no more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste at one time.
- Do not transport incompatible wastes (such as alkaline cleaner and battery acid) together.
- Keep all waste in sealed and labeled containers secured to the vehicle.
You also have to adhere to the US Department of Transportation (DOT) and Massachusetts Department of Public Safety (DPS) shipping restrictions and container, label, placard, and permit requirements. In the event of a spill, you need to call the MassDEP’s Emergency Response line at 1-888-304-1133. Learn more about the reporting thresholds here.
Before Your Self-Transport, Contact Your Disposal Facility
While self-transporting costs significantly less and allows you to transport on your own schedule, don’t forget to contact your disposal or recycling business first before loading up. Depending on what you have and quantities, certain restrictions may apply or materials may not be accepted. Make sure to know before you go!
Through our Small Business Quick Serv Program, NEDT Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers accept commercial hazardous waste from MA very small quantity generators (VSQG) that are registered with the Mass DEP and have a valid EPA ID number. Call NEDT at 1 (866) 769-1621 prior to delivering your materials as important restrictions apply. Learn more about what we accept and where we are located. If you’re an SQG or LQG business, reach out to us on our commercial site.