At NEDT, we take pride in providing information so you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to buying, storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous products and materials. From knowing the health risks to your disposal options, we offer our Household Products Fact Sheets. Both available as website pages and PDFs, these documents contain information from NEDT and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) as well as helpful links to additional information and resources. Below is more information on using fact sheets, including more advanced features. [Read more…]
Your Options for Motor Oil Disposal in Massachusetts
Whether you find yourself regularly doing automotive work at home or just have a used bottle gathering dust from a while ago, dealing with used motor oil can be difficult. If you’re ready to get it out of your home, garage, or basement, it’s time to learn your motor oil disposal options. With disposal at home not possible, learn about your options in Massachusetts, from a quick trip to the store or using municipal programs to visiting us at NEDT. [Read more…]
Hazardous Waste Education with NEDT Household Products Fact Sheets
At NEDT, we take pride in providing information so you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to buying, storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous products. These come in the form of our Fact Sheets: handy PDFs that provide all the information you’ll need. Below, we’ll better explain how to use this hazardous waste education, provide additional links you’ll find helpful, and review everything else needed to make your home a safer place when it comes to hazardous waste. [Read more…]
Why We Don’t Accept Hazardous Construction Materials
At NEDT, we accept many kinds of household hazardous products, but not hazardous construction materials. When it comes to hazardous waste such as asbestos or lead-painted wood, the risk they pose during removal, transit, and delivery puts both the homeowner and staff at risk. Today we’re going to talk about what to do when you discover hazardous construction materials like asbestos or painted lead, why you should leave removal and transportation to the experts, and what other materials you can bring into one of our collection centers. [Read more…]
Unsafe Hazardous Waste: When You Need to Call in Specialists
At NEDT, we’re proud to accept most kinds of residential hazardous waste at our collection centers. But that doesn’t mean we accept them all. Certain types of unsafe hazardous waste shouldn’t be transported to us and we can’t accept them. For some of these, we can point you to other facilities and programs that can help; for others, you’re going to need to call in specialists that can deal with these hazardous products in place—for your own safety. [Read more…]