At NEDT, we take pride in providing information so you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to buying, storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous products and materials. From knowing the health risks to your disposal options, we offer our Household Products Fact Sheets. Both available as website pages and PDFs, these documents contain information from NEDT and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) as well as helpful links to additional information and resources. Below is more information on using fact sheets, including more advanced features. [Read more…]
Hazardous Waste Education with NEDT Household Products Fact Sheets
At NEDT, we take pride in providing information so you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to buying, storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous products. These come in the form of our Fact Sheets: handy PDFs that provide all the information you’ll need. Below, we’ll better explain how to use this hazardous waste education, provide additional links you’ll find helpful, and review everything else needed to make your home a safer place when it comes to hazardous waste. [Read more…]
Reaching 1,000 Days Without Incident at NEDT
Workplace safety is important everywhere, but when there’s hazardous waste in the mix, it becomes critical. We’re proud to announce that as of today—April 22nd, 2023—we’ve reached a milestone of 1,000 days without a lost time incident! That’s almost three years without an injury to one of our workers on the job, and a testament to how seriously everyone takes safety here at NEDT—something vital for a hazardous waste management company. [Read more…]
Keeping Pricing Simple at NEDT’s Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers
At NEDT, our collection centers were created to make disposing of hazardous household waste and products easier – and is an ethos that extends to our pricing. We keep our pricing for disposal of hazardous waste simple, allowing you to know even before you come in how much you should expect to pay, as well as keeping the process of coming into our centers both fast and easy! Read on to learn more about how it all works. [Read more…]
What to Expect: NEDT Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers
At NEDT, we’ve been helping households get rid of their residential hazardous waste for years. If you’ve ever been curious or even hesitant about what a typical trip to one of our Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers is like, this blog and its video are for you! Watch and read on to learn about what to expect, how quick and easy the process is, and what you can do to prepare beforehand. [Read more…]