At NEDT, we take pride in providing information so you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to buying, storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous products and materials. From knowing the health risks to your disposal options, we offer our Household Products Fact Sheets. Both available as website pages and PDFs, these documents contain information from NEDT and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) as well as helpful links to additional information and resources. Below is more information on using fact sheets, including more advanced features.
Reading an NEDT Fact Sheet
An NEDT Fact Sheet generally has an intro, three information sections, and then supporting links and additional readings. The three information sections contain useful information on hazardous waste education for homeowners who have these products. Learn more about each section below:
Hazards Section
Located near the top of all sheets, the Hazards section gives you important information on why this product is considered hazardous waste, including harmful contents, advisories against dangerous use (storing flammable products near sources of ignition, for example), environmental impacts, and health risks.
Handling Section
Safety isn’t just in disposal—how you handle these products while using them is vital. This section covers how to safely use the product, including whether protective gear is required, what important information you should read on the container, and what safe storage options are available.
Management Options Section
This section includes all your options when it comes to disposing of household hazardous products. As we’ve always said, “Buy only what you need; use up what you have; and recycle any leftovers.” You’ll find your options for reusing, recycling, throwing away, and bringing it to a collection center.
Additional Reading and Links
After you’ve learned more about a product’s hazards and the steps to take when handling, storing, and properly disposal of it, the conclusion and Additional Reading section below gives you options on what to do next, be it reading more about the product and related hazards or to take action with an NEDT Collection Center or other options in your area.
Using the Print-to-PDF Option
Unlike our old version of fact sheets or the options available from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), this version of hazardous household products fact sheets is available for browsing on your desktop, phone, or other device. However, we wanted to give users a way to create a PDF of any of these fact sheets at will.
If you scroll down past the “Additional Reading” section of the fact sheet, you’ll find a “PRINT TO PDF” button next to the “CONTACT US” button. Pressing that will produce a PDF version of this page for your use. Enjoy!
NEDT’s Household Hazardous Products Collection Centers were founded out of the desire to provide alternatives to the often complex and rare opportunities for residents to get hazardous products out of their homes. And our responsibility extends to educating residents on this matter. Need further help troubleshooting your household hazardous waste? Give us a call at 1.866.769.1621 or contact us online. You can also stop by our collection centers in person: learn what we accept and view our locations and times before you head out.
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