The Collection Center will ACCEPT
- Latex and Oil-based Paints
- Fertilizers
- Automotive Fluids
- Carpet Cleaner
- Fluorescent Lamps
- Computers and Electronics
- Mercury and Mercury-Containing Devices
- Solvents and Thinners
- Gasoline
- Antifreeze
- Furniture Cleaners and Polish
- Pool Chemicals
- Monitors and Televisions
- Pesticides and Herbicides
- Motor Oil
- Corrosive Cleaners
- Glue and adhesives
- Driveway sealers
- Batteries
- MA Commercial VSQG Wastes *
- Propane Tanks
* Through our Small Business Quick Serv Program, we accept commercial hazardous waste from MA very small quantity generators (VSQG) that are registered with the Mass DEP and have a valid EPA ID number. IF you are a MA VSQG and generate less than 100kg / mo of hazardous wastes, call NEDT prior to delivering your materials as important restrictions apply.
The above is not an all-inclusive list. Please call 866-769-1621 if you have any questions about your specific products/wastes.
The Collection Center will NOT ACCEPT
- Ammunition
- Asbestos
- Reactive Chemicals (i.e. cyanides, water reactives)
- Waste from Large Quantity or Small Quantity MA Commercial Generators (click here if you are)
- Commercial Hazardous Wastes from Outside of MA (click here if you are)
- Medical Waste/Sharps
- Unidentified Compressed Gas Cylinders
- Appliances/White Goods
- Explosives/Shock Sensitive Materials
- Radioactive Materials